Wednesday, November 5, 2008

last post for the first 24 hours

well I made it. lots of tears and yelling but here we are 24 hours latter. I'm laying on the floor outside her room. I think I will be here many more nights to come. Though the outside rage is gone she is trying to figure out what is the criteria she has to meet to get out of this deal. 

I fear that she does not grasp how far reaching this is going to be.

she is obsessed with her friends and seem to want to submerge her life in their misery and they eat it up. She does not think they will survive without her. Breaking this need to be needed by these guys who are on parol, runaways or drugged out doofballs  is something I cannot fathom but it is something I can fight.

so sleepy now.


Sara A. Mueller said...

My brother fought a long, hard battle to get clean. He said and did some horrible things, but he won his battle in the end. He had to get completely away from the people he'd known and start fresh, but he did it. It's a hard fight, but Tori can make it. She doesn't think she's lucky right now, but some day I hope she'll know how unbelievably fortunate she is to have you and Karin.

**HUGS** And pass Karin one too, please. Anything you need, any time, any where. We're rooting for you all.

Sara and James

Jet said...

maybe channeling her 'need to be needed' will help... channel it to you, her mom, other siblings? could be worth a try.