We took and oath to always worth together when it comes to our daughter and we always have. We never once let he play one against the other. No matter how much we were at odds, about our daughter we always presented a single strong front.
Karin backed me 100% of the way. She stayed strong and even now that the battle is over and we have our daughter back and isolated, when doubt is at it's strongest we she is there to help me and I am there for her.
I feel like I'm walking around today in a fog. I feel like I'm drained and empty and so does Karin. The only thing that keeps us going is the love of out daughter and the oath we made to always be together on team Tori.
Thank you Karin.
What we could not achieve being married we have more then made up being parents.
No one but you, could do.
When my nephew was having troubles in his youth I was always there for him. I helped him as much as I could and I made sure I got him through high school. DJ made it. It was touch and he made some mistakes that he paid for but he is a fine man right now. He helps people get of of drugs and alcohol and he is there for my daughter.
Tori loves DJ. He loves her and he is going to help me through this.
DJ is my hero
Keep fighting. There are many people whose thoughts are with you and Karin AND with Tori, at your backs, supporting you.
Remember, the best answer when she says, which she probably will, "I hate you," is "And we love you. That's why we're doing this."
Keep the love in your heart, and hopefully someday she'll be able to appreciate what you're doing for her. I'm sorry this is such a tough time for you all: sending love and healing for you all!
This has to be the one fight in life that NEEDS to be fought with an intensity reserved only for frontline marines in combat. I hope I never have to go through this with my 14 yo daughter. But if i do, my montra will be "LOSING HER IS NOT AN OPTION!!!!!!" God speed Dan!
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