Saturday, November 8, 2008

all hail the exwife

Ex-wife the the rescue
Well today was the last of the extra time off from work for me. Karin showed up and we did some shopping with Tori. She was for the first time I think in her teenage life excited to be shopping. Karin and I had a long talk and she is still on board but she is not the toughest person so keep your finger crossed. I think she will be ok with thing as long as there is progress.

now for Tori, I think the hardest thing for any parent to try to figure out is when and if their child is not telling them the truth. They can be such angels and look you in the eye and say all the right things. The only thing I can think of to fight this is layers of safeguards and tests. Bit by bit she will earn back her freedom. Only this time we have an agreed upon focus.

Family, work, school, physical activity, Education, reading and focused writing. All these things when all these are at the center of her life she may been close to the end. once she starts to live and work with those core values her life will get nothing but better.

I do not want her falling in with the same crowd. Having lots to do and school will (I hope) mean she will not have time to fall back into the same old habits, with the same old people, doing the same old bad shit.

It's screwed up that the parents of one of the drop outs she has been hanging with called and sounded as if TORI should be free to see her son. I told him right up I did not see that happening. That boy is not my concern and as hard as it is on him it is really his parents that should be working with him.

My job is working with my daughter as best as I can.

her progress today was limited but we did discuss one thing and that was her almost submersion into this group that she was hanging with. She started sounding like them, talking like them, she had affectations like them she could not talk without saying um, uh or you know. Now since most of you don't know me that has been something my daughter stopped in the fourth grade.
Now I can't for the life of me see why she would do this. The only thing I could see is that Tori has a strong mothering complex and all these other youths were younger and troubled and she was like a den mother to all of them. They gave her love and she played mom to all of them. Needed and loved.

I hope for her sake the words she speaks are true. Otherwise she is going to spend a long long time in that room.

I would rate today a 6 over all. Thats way up from the 1's and 2's when she first came here

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keeping her away from the old crowd is important. It's amazing how much influence peer groups have.

Good for you.